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Life Topics 2022-2023

With Allah's Name, The Merciful Benefactor, The Merciful Redeemer

Life Topics 2022-2023

February 19, 2023

“Polygyny According to the Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)”
Imam Faheem Shuaibe, Masjidul Waritheen, Oakland, CA

“Are There Legal Protections for Polygyny in the United States?”
Aisha Rahman, President of Rahman Law Firm; Former Executive Director of KARAMAH
(Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights)

February 5, 2023

”Buying, Trading, and Investing in Stocks and Mutual Funds”

Presented by Hud Williams, Regional Manager, Community Sales, at Saturna Capital

December 4, 2022

“City Ordinance on Street Renaming: Imam W. Deen Mohammed”
Councilman Kaleem Shabazz, Atlantic City, NJ

“The Remembrance of Allah (SWT) - A Special Presentation”
Imam Rashad Abdul Rahmaan, Atlanta, GA

November 13, 2022

“Building Organizational Capacity Through External Fundraising (Sponsorship, Grants, and Contributions)”
Bathsheba Philpott, VP (Fundraising Executive) of Advancement at American Council on Education

“The Fundamentals of Completing a Grant Application”
Khafi Knox-McDowell, CFO and Grants Manager at Masjid Muhammad, The Nation’s Mosque

October 23, 2022

“Are interfaith marriages permissible according to the Qur’an? If yes, what is the criteria? If not, why?”
Imam Faheem Shuaibe, Masjidul Waritheen, Oakland, CA

November 11, 2022

“Business Funding Sources: Lending, Investments, and Reinvestments”
Lonnie Abdul Saboor, Director of Small Business Development at Invest Atlanta
Khaliff Davis, Senior Director of Lending & Investments at Reinvestment Fund

June 12, 2022 - TOPIC: Protecting Masjid Assets and Generational Wealth: Wills, Trusts and Estate Planning for Institutions and Individuals.

Moderator: Fitrah Muhammad

Speakers: Attorney Raouf Abdullah, Judge Hassan El-Amin, and Imam Talib-Din Abdul-Uqdah

June 19, 2022 - TOPIC: Our Community, Our Responsibility: Chicago & Peoria, IL Programs. Highlighting public programs, community service projects, interfaith, and government partnerships that can be replicated in your city.

Moderator: Fitrah Muhammad

Speakers & Programs:

-Imam Omar Karim, "The Walk for Moral Excellence", Ephraim Bahar Cultural Center, Chicago, Illinois

-Brother Antwuan Banks, Vice President, "Community Engagement and Impact", Muslim Education and Community Assoc. (MECA Center) of Peoria, Illinois

-Imam Tariq El-Amin, Board Chair, "Grocery Box Give Away" and "10 Minute Community Dua", Masjid Al-Taqwa, Chicago, Illinois

June 26, 2022 - TOPIC: Explain the historical events that led to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) writing the Constitution of Medina. What are some of the important points that Muslims can learn from and implement today?

Moderator: Fitrah Muhammad

Speaker: Imam Wahy-U Deen Shareef

July 17, 2022 TOPIC: Our Community, Our Responsibility Highlighting public programs, community service projects, interfaith, and government partnerships that can be replicated in your city.

Moderator: Fitrah Muhammad

Speakers & Programs:

-Imam Abdul-Azeez, Al-Masjidu Adam Community Life Center for Human Excellence, Bronx, NY, "Fajr Tyson halal food and clothing distribution pantry"

-Imam Mansoor Sabree, Deputy Executive Director, Inner-City Muslim Action Network (IMAN), Atlanta, GA, "Focus on health, wellness, and healing in the inner-cities of the U.S."

-Baiyina Hamed Khalil, Kamp Khalil, DeSoto, TX, "Kamping for fun while developing leadership skills in an Islamic environment"

July 24, 2022 TOPIC: What guidance does the Qur'an provide on engaging in work with those who have atheist and secular points of view? Please provide examples in the life and work of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Moderator: Fitrah Muhammad

Speaker: Imam Wazir Ali

July 31, 2022

Moderator: Fitrah Muhammad


-Dr. Rashad Ali: "New Medinah, Mississippi - A Town Built by Muslims for the Success of All Right-Minded People."

-Clyde El-Amin: "Imam W.D. Mohammed's Vision and Action to Establish Higher Education."

August 7, 2022

Moderator: Fitrah Muhammad


Imam Rashad Abdul-Rahmaan - "The Institute of Qur'an Study and Leadership: The Need for Muslim American Scholarship and Institutions of Learning."

August 14, 2022

Moderator: Fitrah Muhammad


-Ambassador Waleed Shamsid-Deen "Supreme Foods Worldwide: Atlanta-Based Franchise Corporation Providing Entrepreneurial Opportunities for Those Interested in Quick-Serve Restaurant Concepts"

-Zaid Hameed & Fatima Ali "Muslim Culture Con (MCC): Preparing Young Adult Muslims for Success by Celebrating, Supporting, and Strengthening Our Legacy Through the Continued Cultivation of Our Islamic Culture and Identity"

August 21, 2022

Moderator: Fitrah Muhammad


-Dr. Baseemah Jumu'ah (Education Consultant, Sister Clara Muhammad School): Creating Highly Skilled 21st Century Learners and Leaders

-Akbar T. Salaam (President/Owner, Halal Food Industry): Manner and Condition for Slaughtering and Processing Halal Meats and Poultry

August 28, 2022

Moderator: Fitrah Muhammad


Imam Rashad Abdul-Rahmaan: What ayats (verses) from the Qur'an are often misinterpreted by both Muslims and non-Muslims when translated from Arabic to English?

September 4, 2022

Moderator: Fitrah Muhammad


Sakinah McDowell (mother), Adnan Grey (son), Yusef Grey (son): Fitrah Farms - A family story of overcoming tragedy with resilience, courage, and faith

September 11, 2022

Moderator: Fitrah Muhammad


-Lonnie Abdul Saboor (Director of Small Business Development at Invest Atlanta)

-Khaliff Davis (Senior Director of Lending & Investments at Reinvestment Fund)

October 2, 2022 - Emergency Readiness Preparation

Moderated by Fitrah Muhammad


“Emergency Readiness Kit" - Ibrahim Abdul Malik, Eagle Scout

"My Personal Emergency Information Booklet" - Najah Riker, Author

"A Testimony of Preparedness in the Face of Difficulty" - Jamil Majeed, Widower of Dr. Debra Majee

October 9, 2022 - Promoting Your Business Through Graphic Design & Branding

Moderated by Fitrah Muhammad


-Greg Fisk, Award-winning graphic designer and branding specialist; President of Fisk Studio LLC

-Naimah Muhammad, Communications and project manager at Fisk Studio

October 23, 2022 - Are Interfaith Marriages Permissable According to the Qur’an? If Yes, What Is the Criteria? If Not, Why?

Moderated by Fitrah Muhammad

SPEAKER: Imam Faheem Shuaibe

November 6, 2022 - Perspectives On Caregiving

Moderated by Fitrah Muhammad

Topics & Speakers:

“Becoming a Caregiver” - Malika Moore, MSW, LICSW, LCSW-C, Aging Life Care Professional™️

“Caring for Your Aging Parents and Loved Ones” - Sharonda Ali-Khan, Daughter and Caregiver

November 13, 2022 - Grants & Fundraising for Organizations

Moderated by Fitrah Muhammad

Topics & Speakers:

"Building Organizational Capacity Through External Fundraising (Sponsorship, Grants, and Contributions)" - Bathsheba Philpott, VP (Fundraising Executive) of Advancement at American Council on Education

"The Fundamentals of Completing a Grant Application" - Khafi Knox-McDowell, CFO and Grants Manager at Masjid Muhammad, The Nation’s Mosque

November 20, 2022 - Our Community, Our Responsibility

Moderated by Fitrah Muhammad

Topics & Speakers:

"SOS (Saving Our Sons)" - Jihad Mustafa, Organizer

"Deen & Basketball" - Amir Rashad, Educator and Coach

"Like-Minded People 4 Social Justice and the Recognition of One Humanity" - Amatullah Alaji-Sabrie, Facilitator

November 27, 2022 - Interfaith Dialogue and Increasing Youth Leadership

Moderated by Fitrah Muhammad

Topics & Speakers:

"Why Is Interfaith Dialogue Important? What Should You Know About It, And How Can You Get Involved?" - Fatimah Ali, Interfaith Ambassador, Special Programs Coordinator at Mercy Community Center, and Director of Sponsorships at Muslim Culture Con

"An Invitation to Build Relationships and Step Into Leadership as Members of Our Shared Communities" - Jayda Ahmad, Chair of Muslim Culture Con

December 4, 2022 - Moderated by Fitrah Muhammad

Topics & Speakers:

"City Ordinance on Street Renaming: Imam W. Deen Mohammed" - Councilman Kaleem Shabazz, Atlantic City, NJ

"The Remembrance of Allah (SWT) - A Special Presentation" - Imam Rashad Abdul-Rahmaan, Atlanta, GA

January 29, 2023 - Moderated by Fitrah Muhammad

Topics & Speakers:

"Hope for Health and Hygiene: An organization filling in the gaps to better care and serve disadvantaged communities." - Aliyah Saleem, Founder & President

"Browndages: A husband and wife increasing representation in the bandages industry." - Intisar Bashir & Rashid Mahdi, Co-founders