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Filtering by Tag: Life topics 2019

Life Topics, Dec 29, 2019

Greg Fisk

ALLAH (SWT) warns us in the Qur’an to learn from the people of the book who strayed after they received a clear message. Imam W. Deen Mohammad (raa) directed us to correct worship. The Prophet passed away two months after making his first and last Hajj to Mecca where he delivered his famous farewell speech! What were the warnings in his last speech that we should need to avoid “being destroyed” like the people of the book?

Life Topics, Dec 22, 2019

Greg Fisk

ALLAH (SWT) warns us in the Qur’an to learn from the people of the book who strayed after they received a clear message. Imam W. Deen Mohammad (raa) directed us to correct worship. The Prophet passed away two months after making his first and last Hajj to Mecca where he delivered his famous farewell speech! What were the warnings in his last speech that we should need to avoid “being destroyed” like the people of the book?

Life Topics, Dec 15, 2019

Greg Fisk

ALLAH (SWT) warns us in the Qur’an to learn from the people of the book who strayed after they received a clear message. Imam W. Deen Mohammad (raa) directed us to correct worship. The Prophet passed away two months after making his first and last Hajj to Mecca where he delivered his famous farewell speech! What were the warnings in his last speech that we should need to avoid “being destroyed” like the people of the book?

Life Topics, Dec 8, 2019

Greg Fisk

ALLAH (SWT) warns us in the Qur’an to learn from the people of the book who strayed after they received a clear message. Imam W. Deen Mohammad (raa) directed us to correct worship. The Prophet passed away two months after making his first and last Hajj to Mecca where he delivered his famous farewell speech! What were the warnings in his last speech that we should need to avoid “being destroyed” like the people of the book?

Life Topics, Dec 1, 2019

Greg Fisk

ALLAH (SWT) warns us in the Qur’an to learn from the people of the book who strayed after they received a clear message. Imam W. Deen Mohammad (raa) directed us to correct worship. The Prophet passed away two months after making his first and last Hajj to Mecca where he delivered his famous farewell speech! What were the warnings in his last speech that we should need to avoid “being destroyed” like the people of the book?

Life Topics, Nov 24, 2019

Greg Fisk

Say “Oh you men! Now truth has reached you from your Lord! Those who receive guidance, do so for the good of their own souls; those who stray, do so to their own loss: And I am not (set) over you to arrange your affairs (for you).” Surah 10 – Ayat 108. How did Prophet Muhammad delegate leadership and mediate disagreements amongst the companions, his personal life and the community?

Life Topics, Nov 17, 2019

Greg Fisk

Say “Oh you men! Now truth has reached you from your Lord! Those who receive guidance, do so for the good of their own souls; those who stray, do so to their own loss: And I am not (set) over you to arrange your affairs (for you).” Surah 10 – Ayat 108. How did Prophet Muhammad delegate leadership and mediate disagreements amongst the companions, his personal life and the community?

Life Topics, Nov 10, 2019

Greg Fisk

Say “Oh you men! Now truth has reached you from your Lord! Those who receive guidance, do so for the good of their own souls; those who stray, do so to their own loss: And I am not (set) over you to arrange your affairs (for you).” Surah 10 – Ayat 108. How did Prophet Muhammad delegate leadership and mediate disagreements amongst the companions, his personal life and the community?

Life Topics, Nov 3, 2019

Greg Fisk

Say “Oh you men! Now truth has reached you from your Lord! Those who receive guidance, do so for the good of their own souls; those who stray, do so to their own loss: And I am not (set) over you to arrange your affairs (for you).” Surah 10 – Ayat 108. How did Prophet Muhammad delegate leadership and mediate disagreements amongst the companions, his personal life and the community?