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Our Fruit
With Allah’s Name, The Merciful Benefactor, The Merciful Redeemer
You Know a Tree By the Fruit it bears!
Thousands of Muslim pioneers blazed the trail to establish Islam in the United States of America. They did so in the face of much adversity, sacrifice, and dedication. Their mission and goal was to achieve freedom, justice and equality for a people who were considered “lost-found” enslaved descendants. These first-generation Muslims proudly wore the label “Black Muslims” and accepted the life-changing teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad which formed the pathway that led to the universal Al-Islam under the leadership of Imam W.D. Mohammed (raa).
Allah, Highly Glorified Is He, tells us in Al-Qur’an 53:40, “That (the fruit of) your striving will soon come in sight.” Just as Imam Mohammed was the “fruit” of his trendsetting parents’ sacrifice and vision, there are thousands of second-and-beyond generations of Muslims African Americas scattered like seeds throughout the world whose works must be documented.
“Our Fruit” is a compilation of talents, works, and skills. “Our Fruit” is a professional directory available and accessible to our community and the community at-large as we continue the legacy of the pioneers in “Doing for Self” and acknowledging and supporting our own.
To be added to our professional directory please complete the form below and email a bio and picture to
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